Biomechanical engineering
Biomechanical engineering research in fires examines the interaction between fire dynamics and human physiology.Â
By studying how heat, smoke and toxic gases affect the body, scientists develop innovative protective gear and evacuation strategies.
This research enhances firefighter safety, improves building designs, and informs emergency response protocols for more effective fire management.
Research findings have been published in leading journals in the specific research field, including:
- Science of the Total Environment
- Rhinology, Powder Technology
- Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
- Journal of Aerosol Science.
Publications include:
- Numerical and experimental analysis of pollen inhalation exposure in nasal airways following various middle turbinectomy
- Comparative investigation of transport and deposition of nebulized particles in nasal airways following various middle turbinectomy
- Numerical investigation of corticosteroid aerosol transport characteristics for pediatric acute epiglottitis at different severity levels
- Numerical analysis of airflow and particle deposition in multi-fidelity designs of nasal replicas following nasal administration
- Quantitative study of Artemisia pollens deposition in the upper airways of children with adenoidal hypertrophy