VU's Mia Dunphy wins scholarship

Victoria University student Mia Dunphy is the inaugural recipient of a 2018 New Colombo Plan Scholarship.
The Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Hon Julie Bishop MP, and the Minister for Education and Training, Senator Simon Birmingham made the announcement at an event in Canberra.
"The New Colombo Plan is for Australian undergraduates and strives to reflect the diversity of our nation – students from our cities, regional and remote areas, and from a wide range of backgrounds."
– The Hon Julie Bishop MP.
The New Colombo Plan Scholarship program
The New Colombo Plan Scholarship program provides opportunities for Australian undergraduate students to undertake semester-based study and internships or mentorships in participating Indo-Pacific locations.
In 2018, the Australian Government will support 120 Scholars from 33 Australian universities to study, work and live in the Indo-Pacific region.
The New Colombo Plan is a signature initiative of the Australian Government, which aims to lift knowledge of the Indo Pacific in Australia. In August, Victoria University (VU) was awarded more than $600,000 of funding under the 2018 round of the New Colombo Plan (NCP) Mobility Program.
The funding provides opportunities for more than 165 students to participate in 15 new mobility projects across the Indo-Pacific in 2018.
“Increasingly, the participation in an international study experience is a key priority for VU. We hear from many students that one of the reasons they chose VU is for the international experiences that we offer.”
– Bronte Neyland, Director, Victoria University International.
Mia Dunphy's Indonesian plans
Bachelor of Community Development student Mia Dunphy will undertake her internship concurrently with her studies at Gajah Mada University and work with environmental organisation Wahana Lingkungan Hidup in Indonesia.
“This New Colombo Plan Scholarship opportunity is an amazing boost to my self-confidence. It has shown that I am capable of putting myself out there and pursuing my goals of environmental and climate justice.
"Professionally the New Colombo Plan Scholarship offers future opportunities for my international development career. To be granted these experiences enhances my understanding of the Australia-Indonesia relationship, and strengthens my networks, connections and relationships within the region and beyond.
"Studying the Bachelor of Community Development at VU is one of the best decisions I have ever made. I moved from Northern NSW to Melbourne for this degree and I have made life-long friends and met inspirational professors.
"VU has provided me with experience, knowledge and awareness to shape my own unique view on development and the world in general. I encourage those considering community development to pursue VU's degree as it enhances all aspects of the development sphere.”
- Mia Dunphy, Victoria University student.