From VU to Indonesia's Ministry of Finance

I consider my time at VU the most rewarding and satisfying of my academic journey. Without hesitation, I highly recommend VU as a gateway to pursuing your aspiration.

Deni Ridwan, Indonesia
Doctor of Philosophy, Victoria University Business School

Inspired by his father’s remarkable journey to an education, Deni Ridwan crossed countries to study at Victoria University (VU), in a voyage he reflects on with sincere appreciation.

“My father was the first person in our village, a remote area in the West Java province, to graduate from a high school and also a university,” Deni says.

“This inspired me to become the first one in our village to graduate from an overseas university."

Deni’s academic journey to VU began with an Australian Leadership Awards Scholarship, which enabled him to study a Doctor of Philosophy with the Victoria University Business School from 2010 to 2015.

VU’s staff were more helpful and accommodating during the process of applying for the scholarship compared to other universities. Therefore, I felt that VU could greatly support my academic journey.

Fast forward four years, Deni is now the Director for Risk Management and Legal in the Financial System Stability Committee for the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia.

In this role Deni is tasked with the responsibility of supporting the committee, which includes the Minister of Finance, Governor of the Central Bank, Chairman of the Financial Services Authority and Chairman of the Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation, to manage risks associated with Indonesia’s financial safety net framework.

It follows an impressive career trajectory that has seen him climbing the ranks of the Ministry of Finance since completing his PhD, with successive promotions including Section Head for the Crisis Management Protocol and Deputy Director for Financial Systems Stability.

“The literature and knowledge collected during my thesis-writing process were really beneficial when I was assigned to the working group preparing the academic paper and draft of the law on the prevention and resolution of financial crises.

“The staff and faculty within the school definitely played a crucial role in my success. They were extremely helpful, supportive and friendly.

“From the librarian who helped me find resources for my thesis to the counsellor who assisted me during the hardest period of my journey, my time at VU was amazing all round.”

Deni Ridwan in Indonesia
Despite being of VU’s most prominent Indonesian alumni, Deni says he feels "fortunate and privileged" to have studied at VU.

“I consider my time at VU the most rewarding and satisfying of my academic journey.

“Without hesitation, I highly recommend VU as a gateway to pursuing your aspiration.”