Section: Overview
Key publications
Research funding
Supervising & teaching

Key details

Areas of expertise

  • Psychology
  • Statistical analysis
  • R Programming Language
  • Violent extremism
  • Radicalisation

Available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

About Muhammad Iqbal

Dr Muhammad Iqbal is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Industries and Liveable Cities (ISILC), Victoria University, Melbourne. He is also a CI in the Applied Security Science Partnership (ASSP), which brings together policing and security practitioners with academics to collaboratively build robust evidence on behavioural indicators of violent extremism.

Dr Iqbal has undertaken quantitative research on the issue of violent extremism in Australia and Indonesia, and has utilised experimental design, data mining, web scraping, social network analysis, and quantitative text analysis in his research.

His research has been published in journals such as the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, Studies in Conflict  & Terrorism, New Media and Society, Social Science & Medicine, and Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.


  • PhD, Monash University, Australia, 2018
  • MA, Monash University, Australia, 2009
  • BA, Monash University, Australia, 2007

Key publications

Year Citation
2022 Vergani, M., Barton, G., & Iqbal, M. (220101). Appendix: How to Design Impact Evaluations of CVE ProgramsA Practical Guide for Indonesian Civil Society Organisations (pp. 309-363).

doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-2032-4_15

Year Citation
2023 Smith, D., Salman, N., Al-Attar, Z., Pyszora, N., & Iqbal, M. (231213). Neurodivergence and Violent Extremism 18 International Case Studies: Overview. London: United Kingdom: Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST).
2023 Smith, D., Salman, N., Al-Attar, Z., Pyszora, N., & Iqbal, M. (231130). Neurodivergence and Violent Extremism: Case Studies: Full Report. London, United Kingdom: The Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats (CREST).
2022 Smith, D., Zammit, A., Iqbal, M., & Sarakibi, M. (220531). Submission to the Legal and Social Issues Committee, Parliament of Victoria Inquiry into Extremism in Victoria. Victoria: Parliament of Victoria.

Year Citation
2024 Vergani, M., Perry, B., Freilich, J., Chermak, S., Scrivens, R., Link, R., Kleinsman, D., Betts, J., & Iqbal, M. (240601). Mapping the scientific knowledge and approaches to defining and measuring hate crime, hate speech, and hate incidents: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 20(2),

doi: 10.1002/cl2.1397

2023 Johnston, M. F., Iqbal, M., & True, J. (230101). The Lure of (Violent) Extremism: Gender Constructs in Online Recruitment and Messaging in Indonesia. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 46(4), (470-488).

doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2020.1759267

2022 Abid, M. M., Bano, S., Kumar, A., Iqbal, M., Shahid, M. LUR., Javed, A., & Tariq, M. AUR. (221101). Trend towards Helmet Usage and the Behavior of Riders While Wearing Helmets. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(22),

doi: 10.3390/su142214713

2022 Hutchinson, J., Iqbal, M., Peucker, M., & Smith, D. (220901). Online and Offline Coordination in Australia s Far-Right: A Study of True Blue Crew. Social Sciences, 11(9),

doi: 10.3390/socsci11090421

2022 Nurzak, A. N., Iqbal, M., Syafruddin, Yunus, A., & Wahyuni, D. F. (220101). The Evaluation of Adverse Effects of Sinovac (R) COVID-19 Vaccine After Receiving the First Dose - Maros Health Center, December 2021. JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL NEGATIVE RESULTS, 13 (78-83).

doi: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S01.10

2022 Iqbal, M., O Brien, K. S., & Bliuc, A. M. (220101). The Relationship between Existential Anxiety, Political Efficacy, Extrinsic Religiosity and Support for Violent Extremism in Indonesia. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism,

doi: 10.1080/1057610X.2022.2034221

Research funding for the past 5 years

Please note:

  • Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
  • Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
  • The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.

Australian youth engagement in violent extremism: Developing the Youth-Pro Integration Model (Y-PIM) of harm prevention for young people
From: Department of Home Affairs
Other investigators: Aspr Michelle Ball, Prof Debra Smith, Prof Ramon Spaaij, Dr Kara Dadswell
For period: 2023-2023
Not disclosed

Public Safety Canada Webapp
From: Deakin University
For period: 2022-2023
Not disclosed

Known Entity Management Model (KEM) Validation Stage 1
From: Victoria Police
Other investigators: Prof Debra Smith
For period: 2021-2021
Not disclosed
Community Integration Support Program (CISP): Facilitating disengagement from violent extremism
From: Victoria Police
Other investigators: Prof Debra Smith, Prof Ramon Spaaij
For period: 2021-2022
Not disclosed

Victorian Fixated Threat Assessment Centre - Formal Evaluation
From: Victoria Police
Other investigators: Prof Debra Smith, Prof Ramon Spaaij
For period: 2020-2020
Not disclosed

Applied research into countering violent extremism (CVE) and counter-terrorism (CT) risk assessment tools
From: Dept of Justice and Community Safety (VIC)
Other investigators: Prof Debra Smith, Prof Ramon Spaaij
For period: 2019-2023
Not disclosed
Iterative Review, Validation and Development of Radar CVE Case Management Tool
From: Victoria Police
Other investigators: Prof Debra Smith, Prof Ramon Spaaij, Mr Andrew Zammit
For period: 2019-2019
Not disclosed

Supervision of research students at VU

Available to supervise research students

Not available for media queries

Currently supervised research students at VU

No. of students Study level Role
3 PhD Associate supervisor

Currently supervised research students at VU

Students & level Role
PhD (3) Associate supervisor


Details of this Researcher's career are currently unavailable.