Year | Citation |
2019 | Nassios, J., Giesecke, J. A., Dixon, P. B., & Rimmer, M. T. (190901). Modelling the allocative efficiency of landowner taxation. Economic Modelling, 81 (111-123). |
2018 |
Nassios, J., & Giesecke, J. A. (180401). Informing Ex Ante Event Studies with Macro-Econometric Evidence on the Structural and Policy Impacts of Terrorism. Risk Analysis, 38(4), (804-825). doi: 10.1111/risa.12874 |
2018 | Giesecke, J. A., & Tran, N. H. (180101). The national and regional consequences of Australia s goods and services tax. Economic Record, 94(306), (255-275). |
2017 | Giesecke, J. A., Dixon, P. B., & Rimmer, M. T. (170601). The Economy-wide Impacts of a Rise in the Capital Adequacy Ratios of Australian Banks. Economic Record, 93 (16-37). |
2016 | Mariano, M. JM., & Giesecke, J. A. (160907). Forecasting development outcomes under alternative surplus labour assumptions. Applied Economics, 48(42), (4019-4032). |
2016 |
Verikios, G., Sullivan, M., Stojanovski, P., Giesecke, J., & Woo, G. (160801). Assessing Regional Risks From Pandemic Influenza: A Scenario Analysis. World Economy, 39(8), (1225-1255). doi: 10.1111/twec.12296 |
2016 | Giesecke, J., Dixon, P., & Rimmer, M. (160101). Modelling the macroeconomic effects of an increase in superannuation contributions. JASSA: The Finsia Journal of Applied Finance, 2016(2), (72-82). |
2015 | Giesecke, J. A., Tran, N. H., Meagher, G. A., & Pang, F. (150403). A decomposition approach to labour market forecasting. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 20(2), (243-270). |
2015 | Mariano, M. JM., Giesecke, J. A., & Tran, N. H. (150213). The effects of domestic rice market interventions outside business-as-usual conditions for imported rice prices. Applied Economics, 47(8), (809-832). |
2013 |
Zawaliska, K., Giesecke, J., & Horridge, M. (130101). The consequences of Less Favoured Area support: A multi-regional CGE analysis for Poland. Agricultural and Food Science, 22(2), (272-287). doi: 10.23986/afsci.7754 |
Key details
Areas of expertise
- Economic modelling
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
About James Giesecke
James Giesecke took up his present position as director of CoPS in January 2014. Prior to his current position, he was Professor and deputy director of CoPS at Monash University (2012-14).
His research is in the development of large-scale multi-regional and national computable general equilibrium (CGE) models, and the application of these models to the analysis of the determinants of economic growth and structural change, forecasting, and policy analysis. He has published over fifty papers in peer-reviewed journals and edited books on these topics.
James has twenty years of experience undertaking contract research projects, completing over a hundred commissioned projects, on a wide range of topics, for private and public sector organisations, both nationally and internationally.
With colleagues from CoPS, he has built CGE models of the economies of Australia, Vietnam, Poland, Italy, and sub-regions of the U.S., and promoted the adoption of CGE models by public policy economists in these and other countries through the development and delivery of training courses in economic modelling. Recent major projects with colleagues from CoPS have included the development of CGE models with high levels of financial sector detail, and the application of these models to issues relating to financial structure and regulation.
- B.Ec (Hons), PhD (Adelaide), 2001
Key publications
Journal article (showing 10 of 56)
Research funding for the past 5 years
Please note:
- Funding is ordered by the year the project commenced and may continue over several years.
- Funding amounts for contact research are not disclosed to maintain commercial confidentiality.
- The order of investigators is not indicative of the role they played in the research project.
NSW Treasury -
Modelling of Marginal Excess Burdens of Payroll Tax
From: NSW Treasury
Other investigators: Dr Jason Nassios, Dr Xianglong Liu
For period: 2023-2023
Not disclosed |
Modeling for analysis of Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) and American Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP)
From: United States Department of Commerce
Other investigators: Dr Robert Waschik, Prof Peter Dixon, Prof Maureen Bleazby
For period: 2023-2024
Not disclosed |
Supply of a national input-output database of Australia with energy and emission-intensive industry detail
From: The Treasury
Other investigators: Dr Xianglong Liu, Dr Jason Nassios, Prof Philip Adams
For period: 2023-2024
Not disclosed |
Housing price impacts of housing affordability measures in Victoria
From: Dept of Treasury and Finance
Other investigators: Dr Jason Nassios, Dr Xianglong Liu
For period: 2023-2023
Not disclosed |
NSW Treasury 2022-23 HYR Budget Sensitivity Analysis
From: NSW Treasury
Other investigators: Dr Xianglong Liu, Dr Jason Nassios
For period: 2023-2023
Not disclosed |
GTAP Baseline
From: World Trade Organisation
Other investigators: Prof Maureen Bleazby, Prof Peter Dixon
For period: 2022-2023
Not disclosed |
Impact of Nuclear Detonations: The Nuclear Economic Consequence Analysis Tool
From: University of Southern California Grant
Other investigators: Mr Christopher King, Prof Peter Dixon, Dr Florian Schiffmann, Dr Nicholas Sheard, Prof Glyn Wittwer, Dr Michael Jerie
For period: 2021-2024
Not disclosed |
Payroll tax reform options for Queensland
From: Queensland Treasury
Other investigators: Dr Jason Nassios, Mr Christopher King
For period: 2021-2021
Not disclosed |
Economic Modelling the Impacts of COVID-19
From: Department of Homeland Security
Other investigators: Prof Peter Dixon, Prof Glyn Wittwer, Dr Robert Waschik
For period: 2020-2020
Not disclosed |
Queensland Treasury Economic Modelling.
From: Queensland Treasury
Other investigators: Prof Glyn Wittwer, Dr Nhi Tran, Prof Philip Adams
For period: 2017-2021
Not disclosed |
Supervision of research students at VU
Available to supervise research students
Available for media queries
Currently supervised research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
1 | PhD Integrated | Associate supervisor |
Currently supervised research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD Integrated (1) | Associate supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
No. of students | Study level | Role |
1 | PhD | Principal supervisor |
Completed supervision of research students at VU
Students & level | Role |
PhD (1) | Principal supervisor |