A career dream come true

On placement I learnt the value of the justice system, how to utilise communication skills with distressed clients and expectations from the bench. This led to my first paid legal job as a clerk at the Children’s Court.
Iman Osman
Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
Iman Osman dreamed of studying law since childhood. VU’s support programs and practical learning opportunities helped make that a reality.
"My passion for law came about when I was a child. I loved the power of words. I attended a public school in Melbourne’s west, but was fortunate to be offered VU’s Achievement Scholarship after completing Year 12.
With VU’s law school located in the heart of Victoria’s legal precinct, I knew I was in the right hands. My first year of uni was a difficult transition from high school. But through the support of my lecturers and friends, I finished my degree and was awarded the University Medal of Excellence.
After graduating, I was selected into the Australian Taxation Office’s Graduate Program – one of only 103 selected in Victoria from a pool of 5700 nationally. VU provided me with the practical skills needed to succeed in the interview. During my degree I’d gained experience at Sunshine Youth Legal Centre as a volunteer paralegal, as a court order helper in the Sunshine Magistrates’ Court and with some of the State’s leading barristers through the Supreme Court Internship program. I learnt the value of the justice system, how to utilise communication skills with distressed clients and expectations from the bench. This led to my first paid legal job as a clerk at the Children’s Court.
I’m now a Client Engagement Officer at the Australian Taxation Office, dealing with a range of international tax issues for high-profile mining companies."