An elite balance

I’m looking to VU to help me set up for life after footy. For now, footy is my full-time job so I study part-time in the evenings. Studying is a great release from football.
Mitch Wallis
Bachelor of Business (Accounting), Masters of Business Administration (VU Online)
Western Bulldogs star midfielder Mitch Wallis is preparing for life after professional football.
"I know footy doesn’t last forever. I’m looking to VU to help me set up for life afterwards.
For now though, footy is my full-time job so I study part-time in the evenings. Studying is a great release from football. It will take me a few extra years to do my course, but I really enjoy ticking things off the list toward my degree.
The lecturers really want you to do well and try to get a one-on-one relationship with every student. They know I work in a demanding footy environment and have time constraints. They have been very accommodating letting me come late to classes and giving me extra notes to catch up on the work I miss. Little things like that help a lot.
I believe if you work hard enough, things will happen for you, in study and in life."
Mitch studied
Bachelor of Business
Master of Business Administration
Business at Victoria University
Discover VU's Business courses from TAFE to degree and postgraduate studies.
Watch: Mitch's journey
Mitch shares his personal story and why his studies became even more important.
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