Callum’s kicking study goals at VU

Knowing VU’s reputation as a leading sports university, it was the natural choice for me.
Callum Harrison
Bachelor of Fitness
As a keen sports and AFL lover, Callum decided to forge his own career in the fitness industry by studying at VU, a leading Australian sport university. He has found success with the VU Block Model – discovering its benefits even during remote learning.
“I was always interested in improving myself and others around me. This led to my interest in fitness and I was automatically drawn to the Bachelor of Fitness at VU.
Sport is more than just a game. The teamwork, strategy and the overall fun associated with it combines to form my passion.
VU’s Block Model allows for more flexibility outside uni and helps me manage work, social life, family, playing AFL, keeping fit and creating art.
Remote learning has been a breeze because Block Model made the transition much easier. Only having to focus on one subject at a time really reduced my stress.
My course has given me an opportunity to expand my knowledge and broaden my view on sport and fitness, and in my third year of study, there will be chances to immerse myself in the industry. I’m very excited to see how this degree can lead to my future aspirations in personal training, fitness classes or even working with sporting clubs regarding their training goals.”
Want a career in fitness like Callum?
Bachelor of Fitness (no longer offered)