Confidence through placements and industry connections

It is an honour to have been given the opportunity to pursue my dream to study in a high quality university in Australia.
Apelu Sauoaiga Kaio (Samoa)
Bachelor of Paramedicine
The highlight for Apelu Sauoaiga Kaio of his Bachelor of Paramedicine degree at Victoria University (VU) has been the Paramedic clinical placement experience through Ambulance Victoria, both in metropolitan and rural areas.
“I was given the opportunity to assess pre-hospital patients, perform clinical procedures, administer medication, decide the most appropriate and efficient interventions for each patient I attended, and look at all facets of paramedicine under the supervision of clinical instructors or qualified staff members on scene.”
It is these placement experiences and connections to industry provided by VU that give students such as Apelu the confidence to apply theory in a practical setting.
Apelu is a proud born and bred Samoan from the village of Satupa’itea & Vailoa Palauli in Savai’i and Faleasiu in Upolu, and comes to VU as an experienced registered nurse and Emergency Medical Response Commanding Officer for the Samoa Fire and Emergency Services Authority. Apelu was sponsored to study in Australia by the Australian Government’s Australia Awards Scholarship. “Ambulance services currently operate under the Fire Service Department and are facilitated by first-aiders. With support from the Australian Government and the Ministry of Health back home in Samoa, I will return as the first qualified paramedic and will aim to establish an Official Ambulance Service.”
When reflecting on his experience at VU, Apelu considers the lecturers’ attentive, caring and helpful approach as a key to his success.
“I value the support that I have received during my studies at VU very highly."
"The support has helped me get the most value out of my experience and improve my skills as a paramedic but also inspired me to constantly strive for excellence. I enjoy the great atmosphere that VU fosters to study and its friendly community. It provides great opportunities and above all, VU values students, our opinions and our successes.”
Apelu advises all future VU students to fully engage in activities offered by the University, collaborate with staff and students, and take advantage of the many supporting services.
“It is an honour to have been given the opportunity to pursue my dream to study in a high quality university in Australia.”
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Samoa's first qualified paramedic
Apelu Sauoaiga Kaio has become Samoa’s first qualified paramedic and is looking forward to returning home to serve the people.