Gaining momentum in midwifery

My placements allowed me to integrate my knowledge into my clinical practice and also consolidate my knowledge and skills. They also helped me build my independence and confidence and started to shape me as a midwife.
Emma Heard
Bachelor of Midwifery / Bachelor of Nursing
Emma Heard credits VU's industry connections and placement opportunities for preparing her for a career in midwifery.
"I found VU lecturers to be very approachable and supportive. The course was flexible – I was able to attend my placement shifts and fulfil my continuity of care commitments, as well as attend my lectures and tutorials.
I completed several excellent midwifery placements at both private and public hospitals during my time at VU. My placements were extremely beneficial as they allowed me to integrate my knowledge into my clinical practice and also consolidate my knowledge and skills. They also helped me build my independence and confidence and started to shape me as a midwife.
My greatest career achievements include: obtaining a graduate position at Sunshine Hospital; being offered an ongoing permanent position at Sunshine Hospital after completing my graduate year; and being offered my current full-time role as a Clinical Resource Midwife (Midwifery Educator). I believe that my time at VU - especially the placements - thoroughly prepared me for my graduate position.
In my current role I work closely with graduate midwives, and all the universities, including VU. At this stage, my plan is to continue to work as a Clinical Resource Midwife as we expand our services at Sunshine Hospital with the new Joan Kirner Women's and Children's Hospital set to open in 2019."