How Brady's bringing his sporting dream to life

Teachers at VU are highly specialised and at the top of their fields, from leading nutritionists to operators of next-generation technologies.
Brady Taylor
Bachelor of Sport Science
When the time came for Brady Taylor to move away from home in central Victoria and choose both a university and a course, his decision was made easily. Brady’s love of sport and knowledge of VU as an industry leader led him to VU’s Bachelor of Sport Science. Thanks to his passion for the subject and the benefits of the VU Block Model, Brady is smashing his study goals.
“I’ve always loved learning about sport. Growing up in the country, there wasn’t a lot of variety of sport to play other than AFL – but my dad and I shared a curiosity in unfamiliar sports and we became captivated by everything from soccer and rugby league, to niche sports like hurling.
After high school I chose VU for its state-of-the-art sporting facilities and strong connections to the industry – like the Western Bulldogs, Melbourne Victory and hundreds of other partnerships from community to elite organisations.
Teachers at VU are highly specialised and at the top of their fields, from leading nutritionists to operators of next-generation technologies. They are there to support you and encourage you to get you where you need to be to succeed.
Studying with the VU Block Model has many benefits for me, including fewer hours on campus so I can find balance with work, life and study. With the Block Model, almost all of our classes involve a practical component. Whether it’s running a VO2 max test or a full biomechanical analysis; running a kids’ coaching session; or watching a game and counting stats – hands-on is a great way to learn.
VU does an excellent job of providing experiences that lay a solid foundation of what it’s really like to work in the sports industry.”