Navigating passion & purpose: Mahmoud’s journey into cyber security

Everything we learnt from both a practical and theoretical perspective was directly related to what you’d be expected to have competency in when it comes to careers in cyber.

Certificate IV in Cyber Security 22603VIC

Driven by curiosity and a passion for problem-solving, Mahmoud’s journey into cyber security felt inevitable. Combined with his range of interests – from programming and cryptography to puzzles and politics – his knack for technology made embarking on a path into cyber security a natural choice.

Mahmoud decided to pivot into a field that had long intrigued him in 2023, enrolling in a Certificate IV in Cyber Security (22603VIC) at Victoria University (VU) that seamlessly allowed his diverse passions and skills to converge. And – he scored a highly sought-after internship that propelled him even further into a rapidly evolving sphere.

“My background primarily is in logistics, but I've always had a keen interest in technology, and a knack for computers and technical skills.

“My interest in cyber security came from it combining so many factors that I love. I’d never utilised my interest in computers and tech in a professional capacity – so I decided to pursue studying cyber security as the natural next step.”

A choice made easy by VU benefits

“The Certificate IV in Cyber Security was a Free TAFE course, and VU's learning model and study flexibility really appealed to me. 

“I’ve known friends and family who’d studied at VU and heard only good things, and the campus was nearby to me, so I went for it!”

Learning both ways – excellently 

“During the course, the balance was struck perfectly between eLearning and face-to-face teaching. I felt the learning materials and modules were robust, and the in-person teaching to be excellent.

“A lot of our learning involved labs and working with systems that are widely used in the industry (eg. running an AD server, programming in Python, using a SIEM, or configuring an SQL server).

Everything we learnt from both a practical and theoretical perspective was directly related to the sorts of things you’d be expected to have competency in when it comes to careers in cyber.

The quality of in-person learning with my teacher, flexibility, and the connections made with other students were the best things about my course. 

“I was genuinely excited to come to every class because of this, and found every topic to be taught in an engaging way.”

A set of job-ready skills

“The Cert IV provided me with an all-round set of skills to get me going in my career.

“I picked up competencies in red/blue teaming, server management and configuration, and incident response, as well as a deeper knowledge of core concepts in cyber like AAA/CIA, cryptographic algorithms and the OSI model. 

“It also consolidated my skills in programming, utilisation of different operating systems like Kali Linux and more.”

Scoring a competitive internship in the field

“After completing the course, I received an email from VU telling me about the Victorian Government’s Cyber Security Internship Program, where you could gain experience in the government’s new Cyber Defence Centre. 

“So I applied, and was accepted as an intern! 

“I primarily did work related to data and incident response, and picked up skills in analysing trends in incident data. 

“I also became familiar with secure programming, and was able to apply learned concepts to real-life situations.”

Heading towards a dynamic future

“I feel like the future of cyber security is only getting bigger as individuals, organisations and entities around the world realise the need for, and value of, cyber security. 

“My Certificate IV in Cyber Security acted as a crucial stepping stone into the industry.

“I hope to leverage everything I’ve learnt to excel in any future position and gain even more hands-on experience.

“I feel confident in my data analysis skills and ability to produce dashboards, and would like to use these skills to work in environments that produce real, tangible and positive outcomes for the community.”

Interested in a career in the constantly moving world of cyber? Jump into a course that will have you outhacking the hackers: explore cyber security at VU.