Sisters making it in sport rehabilitation

My goal is to open up a successful multidisciplinary clinic focusing on sports and clinical rehabilitation with my sister Rosemarie who has just graduated in Osteopathy.

Bianca Michetti
Exercise Physiologist, DipSportDev, B.ExSci (ClinPrac), M. ClinExPhys

Sisters Bianca and Rosemarie Michetti followed pathways from TAFE to postgraduate study in exercise science and osteopathy.

Now they plan to bring affordable healthcare to the west.


“Victoria University (VU) has always had the best reputation in the field of sport and health education so it was naturally my first preference. Born and raised in the west, I also found VU conveniently located and the perfect place to begin establishing professional networks.

"There are exceptional leaders within VU’s staff. One teacher whom I met during my TAFE study is still a great friend to me a decade on. VU has literally made me a better person and I wouldn’t be in the position I am today without their support and genuine concern for their students.

"I performed 300 hours of placement in my final year with Williamstown Football Club (VFL), working alongside the fitness coach and strength and conditioning staff during match days and training nights. This intense experience taught me the science behind elite level sport, and allowed me the opportunity to apply my practical knowledge and establish a profound network base. Later I performed approximately 500 hours of clinical placement  in the VU osteopathy clinics.

"I have two osteopathy jobs with clinics in Gisborne and Brimbank, allowing me the opportunity to treat a diverse range of patients with musculoskeletal conditions both in rural and metro settings. My next goal is to open a clinic with my sister, Bianca, to create an affordable interprofessional form of healthcare within western Melbourne.”


“I chose VU for its great reputation in the field of sport and health science degrees. Leaving high school, I still was unsure of what I wanted to do specifically so VU had plenty of options and assistance to help with my decisions along the way.

"VU helped me immensely; it helped me get from TAFE, with very little idea in what I wanted to do, to where I am now. VU made sure I had the tools needed to reach for my goals no matter what, even if it seemed impossible to me. The teachers played a big part to my growth due to being inspirations, mentors and friends.

"During my bachelor degree I completed 140 practical hours delivering biomechanics scientific personal training in the gym at VU. I am currently working in a clinic as a sole trader exercise physiologist. My next goal is to open up a successful multidisciplinary clinic focusing on sports and clinical rehabilitation with Rosemarie, my sister and best friend, who has just graduated in Osteopathy."

Courses studied


Bianca went on to study a Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology at another university.
