Tools for excellence in tourism

My course kept me interested - every single subject and topic was relevant, current, and intriguing.
Chantelle Khan
Bachelor of Business
Chantelle Khan credits her impressive career progress to the skills she developed while studying at VU. International placements, industry-relevant course content, and supportive teaching staff are just some of the ways VU helped her get the job of a lifetime.
"Back in high school I wanted to be a heart surgeon, but then I realised that I wasn’t very good at math, so I turned my focus to another passion of mine: travel. I enrolled in Bachelor of Business (tourism management specialisation) at VU and figured if the travel part fell through, at least I’d have business skills!
I loved studying at VU because the lecturers and tutors were all really approachable and I always felt comfortable asking for help. The best part though, was that my course kept me interested - every single subject and topic was relevant, current, and intriguing.
As part of my study I completed an amazing industry placement year at Hallmark/Qantas, Los Angeles International Airport. Not only did I meet some incredible people, I was able to connect more strongly with other students in my course. It kept me motivated and helped me figure out what I wanted to do when I finished uni.
While completing my course, I secured a casual position at Gray Line, which complemented my study hours. When I graduated, I took on the role full time. I’ve been working there for 11 years now and my current position is Sales and Marketing Coordinator, which encompasses a broad range of tasks. Through initiatives at VU I’ve also volunteered for various charities, Melbourne Airport, City of Melbourne and the Western Bulldogs. I believe that I’ve been able to progress this far in my career because VU set me up with the skills I needed to succeed in the tourism industry."