History, Theories and Practice of Psychology

Unit code: APP3034 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
APP2014 - Psychology 2B; and
HPP2001 - Developmental Psychology
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


This unit examines historical and current psychological theories and practices. It will also critically examine the relative merits and limitations of schools of psychology such as; psychoanalysis, behaviourism, cognitivism, biological psychology and critical psychology. The evolution of psychological theory and practice will be explored, with a particular emphasis on what constitutes ethical, culturally appropriate, and evidence-based assessment and intervention practice.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Contextualise the evolution of psychology as a discipline;
  2. Exemplify knowledge of the key tenets and methods of inquiry within particular schools of psychology;
  3. Critically reflect upon what constitutes ethical and culturally appropriate assessment practice, including for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities;
  4. Critically evaluate the scientific evidence base for psychological interventions; and
  5. Elucidate their preferred theoretical approach to psychology.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 30%
Multiple Choice Tests on theoretical content (2 Tests - 1 hour and worth 15% each)
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 35%
Group presentation critically evaluates a psychological survey (15 minutes)
Assessment type: Essay
Grade: 35%
Reflective critical essay on paradigms of psychology (1500 words)

Required reading

Selected readings will be made available via the unit VU Collaborate site.

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