Skills for Social Work Direct Practice

Unit code: ASW3101 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park
96 credit points of first year core ABSW units.
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


Social workers engage with individuals, groups and communities to promote wellbeing, advocate for social change and create a just and equitable society for all. This unit facilitates student development of a basic awareness of self as this relates to social work direct practice and practice knowledge; and a beginning level of understanding of relevant theoretical frameworks informing direct practice including strength-based and eco-systemic traditions

This subject is practice based. Students engage in experiential learning activities using scenarios drawn from contemporary social work with individuals, families and groups across a range of human service contexts. These include both statutory and non-statutory examples. The focus of student learning is on the use of self in practice, and the demonstration and application of skills for engagement, assessment and intervention.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Critique various models and frameworks for social work practice with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and in diverse contexts;
  2. Critically reflect on the influence of personal values, professional values and ethics in social work practice with individuals;
  3. Exemplify relevant social work practice skills in engagement, assessment, planning, intervention and review;
  4. Exhibit effective written, verbal and non-verbal interpersonal communication skills with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds and in diverse contexts.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Exercise
Grade: 15%
Video recording (5 min)
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 35%
Social work assessment & Case Note (1300 words)
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 40%
Process Recording (1500 words)
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 10%
Presentation of the reflective journal about applying self-in-practice (5 minutes)

Required reading

Required readings will be made available by the unit coordinator.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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