TESOL Methodology and Curricula

Unit code: EED6106 | Study level: Postgraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
City Campus


This unit provides an introduction to the principles of learning and teaching English as an additional language in the era of globalisation and technological developments. The unit takes a practical approach, addressing a number of contemporary approaches to language pedagogy across all ages and levels. Based on the view of language as a fundamental tool for communicating and meaning-meaning, the unit engages students in a discussion of the cultural and social contexts of language learning and teaching, and encourages them to take a principled, engaging, creative, and analytical approach to language pedagogy. Other topics to be treated include the politics of language teaching and curriculum renewal, language teachers as researchers.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Critically appraise and explain the application of current methodologies, fundamental pedagogical principles of teaching and learning English as an additional language locally and internationally;
  2. Critically analyse and interpret a local curriculum, lesson planning approaches and resources that contribute to linguistically, culturally responsive and inclusive teaching;
  3. Evaluate TESOL classroom practice including technologically enhanced activities;
  4. Engage and communicate their knowledge, understanding, and application of good lesson plans, learning sequences and scaffolding;
  5. Investigate and critique social and cultural contexts in the English language teaching and learning, generate adaptable solutions to complex problems, and communicate and transmit these ideas in an academic context.
  6. Participate in an academic community of discourse through reflective and critical engagement in academic texts and understanding of principles of academic integrity.

Study as a single unit

This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

Learn more about single units of study at VU


For Melbourne campuses

Hurdle assessment task: Completion of five Academic Integrity Modules

Assessment type: Review
Grade: 20%
Review and comparison of two research articles on a contemporary teaching method
Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 40%
Critical analysis of a curriculum document
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 40%
Designing a unit of work
Assessment type: Other
Grade: 0%
Evidence of completion of the Academic Integrity Modules (Hurdle)

Required reading

Additional reading: journal articles, websites, references materials will be included into VU Collaborate

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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