Clinical Skills 5

Unit code: HBS3504 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
City Campus
HBS2304 - Clinical Skills 3; and
HBS2404 - Clinical Skills 4; and
HBS2002 - Clinical Skills 4A; and
HBO3008 - Biomedical Science for Osteopathy 8
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


Clinical Skills 5 develops clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills, to prepare students entering clinical placement and osteopathic practice. The unit further develops students’ skills in case-history taking, clinical examination, osteopathic manual techniques and management of common conditions presenting in osteopathic practice relating to the abdomen. There is a focus on the development of new skills in High Velocity Low Amplitude (HVLA) techniques for junctional regions and visceral manual osteopathic technique. Students participate in clinical placement observation hours alongside this unit which allows students to observe these skills used in practice by senior osteopathic students.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Adapt and critically reflect on the history taking process to evaluate for presenting complaints relating to the abdomen and document key components to ensure regulatory compliance;
  2. Exhibit and interpret a targeted physical examination of the spine and abdomen;
  3. Identify acute and common abdominal conditions and determine the appropriate screening and referral pathways for their optimal management; and
  4. Exhibit osteopathic manual techniques and articulate management strategies for conditions of the spine and viscera.


For Melbourne campuses

In the case-history taking reflection, students will participate in a simulated case interaction with a peer and are required to demonstrate their history taking skills, identify and record the details of the patient case and write a short reflection on their performance. The case study analysis will require students to apply their knowledge relating to the presentation of abdominal conditions including, clinical features, screening, referral pathways and patient management strategies. The Observed Performance in a Simulated Setting (OPSS) is a face-to-face practical skills demonstration of the vital signs, abdominal examination, visceral osteopathic technique and spinal manual therapy techniques.

Assessment type: Other
Grade: 20%
Case history recording and history-taking reflection task (800 words)
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 30%
Individual case study analysis (MCQ and extended response, 60mins in-class)
Assessment type: Examination
Grade: 50%
Observed Performance in a Simulated Setting (OPSS) (hurdle requirement) (45mins)

Required reading

Manipulation of the spine, thorax and pelvis: An osteopathic perspective
Gibbons, P., & Tehan, P. (2016)| Australia: Elsevier.
Evidence Informed Orthopedic Conditions: 300+ Patient Centred Principles and Best Practices.
Vizniak, N. A., Fairweather, L., Murray, N., Hussain, S., DeLapp, D., Eni, G., Davidson, T., & Hedrich, T. (2022).| Professional Health Systems Incorporated.

As part of a course

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