Building Surveying Project 1

Unit code: NBC3008 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Online Real Time
Completion of at least 144 credit points.
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


The primary objective of this capstone unit is to allow students to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills in building regulations and best practices accumulated throughout their studies while also fostering strategies for a seamless transition to professional life as building surveyors. The focus is to develop authentic building surveying projects, including the planning, design, and organisation of diverse components essential for the success of a building construction project. As the building surveying profession regularly involves collaboration between different stakeholders in the building and construction industry, the collaborative nature of this project encourages students to operate in small teams.
The unit will comprehensively explore project scope, design considerations, and planning strategies. Students will be required to present both a written report and an oral presentation of their project proposals. Successful completion of this unit is required to progress to Building Surveying Project 2 (NBC3009), where students will advance to the creation, delivery and evaluation phases of their respective project outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Conceptually map fundamentals, requirements, the likely components, and deliverables of a building surveying project, particularly addressing construction regulation requirements;
  2. Effectively plan a building surveying project with reference to building surveying and construction regulatory requirements;
  3. Evaluate the feasibility of a range of performance-based solutions to anticipated problems, considering relevant factors within the framework of codes and practices for construction;
  4. Synthesise, critically analyse, and/or test project designs, ensuring that design outcomes not only meet specifications and regulations but also take into account the dynamic nature of construction practices;
  5. Produce a range of high-quality professional and technical documents specifically tailored to building surveying; and
  6. Communicate ethically and professionally, confidently defending ideas and proposals to relevant audiences.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Project
Grade: 20%
Project Brief to Define the Objectives, Scope, and Constraints (500 words or equivalent) Group
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 60%
Project Proposal (2500 words or equivalent) (Group)
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 20%
Presentation to explain and defend the proposed project (Individual)

Required reading

Any project specific readings will be provided in VU Collaborate.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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