UEEDV0008 - Install, modify and verify coaxial and structured communication copper cabling

Unit code: UEEDV0008 | Study level: TAFE
UEECD0007 - Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace
UEECD0019 - Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components
UEECD0020 - Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment
UEECD0051 - Use drawings, diagrams, schedules, standards, codes and specifications
UEEDV0005 - Install and maintain cabling for multiple access to telecommunication services
UEECD0044 - Solve problems in multiple path circuits
UEECD0046 - Solve problems in single path circuits
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


This unit involves the skills and knowledge required to install, modify and verify coaxial and structured communication copper cabling in buildings and premises intended for connection to a telecommunications network as permitted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA).
It includes working safely to industry standards; installing generic, structured twisted pair cabling (category 5 and above) and coaxial cabling that terminate at distributors, termination modules and telecommunication outlets; testing for compliance; and completing cabling documentation.Work functions in the occupational areas where this unit may be used are subject to regulatory requirements. Refer to the UEE Electrotechnology Training Package Companion Volume Implementation Guide or the relevant regulator for specific guidance on requirements.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment tasks will be designed to reinforce & extend knowledge and skill competence within set & controlled parameters in accordance with each unit’s learning outcomes & performance criteria requirements, incl the setting of work based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines.

Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills:

*applying relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements, including applying risk control measures
*obtaining correct materials, tools and equipment to undertake the work
*checking tools, equipment and testing devices for correct operation and safety
*installing, terminating and testing unshielded twisted pair (UTP), FTP or shielded twisted pair (STP) customer cables that are rated Category 5 or above
*installing, terminating and testing coaxial cable installation systems
*installing and modifying performance data communication copper cabling, including:

  • reading and interpreting drawings and diagrams related to cable layouts, schedules and apparatus locations
  • routing, placing and securing cables to comply with industry standards
  • preparing and terminating each type of cable to comply with industry standards
  • ensuring copper cables are installed or modified with sufficient excess to affect terminations
  • maintaining twist ratio of generic, structured twisted pair copper cables
  • earthing cable shields
  • fitting surge suppression devices
  • conducting cable performance tests
    *completing necessary documentation.

Students will also be expected to demonstrate the following knowledge:
*telecommunication cable types, including:

  • construction
  • transmission characteristics
  • applications
    *cable identification, including:
  • plans and drawing
  • labelling
  • documentation
    *cable installation, including:
  • hazards
  • cable damage prevention
  • cable dispensers
    *distributors and distributor enclosures, including:
  • types
  • regulations
  • termination interfaces
  • termination methods and requirements
    *category 5 and above generic, structured cabling, including:
  • design principles
  • functional elements
  • cabling sub-systems
    *uses and construction of category UTP, FTP and STP generic and coaxial structured cabling installation systems
    *performance requirements for structured cabling, including:
  • approved practices
  • safety requirements
  • connectors
  • terminating tools
  • continuity tests
  • fault diagnosis
  • recording results
    *testing and commissioning structured cabling systems
    *constraints of building structure, fire walls and cultural/heritage requirements
    *techniques to identify and rectify faults/defects.

Required reading

The qualified trainer and assessor will provide teaching and learning materials as required in the form of workbooks produced by Victoria University and/or via the Victoria University e-learning system.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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