People and Organisations

Unit code: VBE1011 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
City Campus
India Online
VU Brisbane
VU Sydney


The aims of this unit of study are to provide students with an understanding of the fundamentals of organisational behaviour and management theory and to apply these theories to management practices in Australia. Students begin to evaluate the underlying values of management theories and their effectiveness in affecting productivity, leadership and motivation in the workplace. The unit concentrates on Australian case studies and incorporates a consideration of issues of gender, ethnicity and age. The learning and teaching in the unit prepares students for further study and the workplace by supporting them to develop research, essay and report writing skills as well as the ability to work as part of a self-managing team. By analysing various management approaches in classes that simulate contemporary workplaces, students will gain applicable insights into the:

  • impact of teamwork on organisational effectiveness
  • nature and importance of 21st-century skills in virtual and physical work environments
  • significance of leadership in organisational success.

We will also explore the future of work by viewing current organisational structures through the lens of emerging issues such a sustainability and social responsibility.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Analyse and review management theories and practices in the Australasian context;
  2. Categorise and assess relevant knowledge with regard to individual and group behaviour in the context of organisations and their environment and how this is used to achieve organisational goals;
  3. Articulate an understanding of ethical issues and social responsibility in contemporary business and how they relate to the individual in a work and societal context, and;
  4. Formulate and discuss a knowledge and understanding of management theory and practice.
  5. Participate in an academic community through reflective and critical engagement in academic texts and understanding of principles of academic integrity.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 15%
Online Test
Assessment type: Report
Grade: 30%
Case Study Report
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 40%
Research Project (Group)
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 15%
Written analysis of business case study results
Assessment type: Other
Grade: 0%
Evidence of completion of the Academic Integrity Modules (Hurdle)

Other locations

For students studying at India Online
Assessment type: Review
Grade: 20%
Contextualising management theory today
Assessment type: Report
Grade: 30%
Workplace wellness, a social and ethical case study
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 50%
Organisational behaviour case study
Assessment type: Other
Grade: 0%
Evidence of completion of the Academic Integrity Modules (Hurdle)
For students studying at Henan University, Liaoning University
Assessment type: Essay
Grade: 25%
Group Research Essay (500 - 1000 words)
Assessment type: Project
Grade: 25%
Group Research Project
Assessment type: Examination
Grade: 50%
Final Examination (2 hours, 1500 - 2000 words)
Assessment type: Other
Grade: 0%
Evidence of completion of the Academic Integrity Modules (Hurdle)

Required reading

Selected readings will be made available via VU Collaborate.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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