Motor Control

Unit code: AHE3126 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park


Motor Control introduces students to the structure and function of the neuromuscular and sensory systems as they relate to the control of human movement. Students will become familiar with the way in which the central nervous system controls voluntary and involuntary movement and the relationship between the central nervous system and motor function. The unit will provide students with the opportunity to apply this knowledge, integrating it with exercise prescription knowledge gained in prior units of study, to design evidence-based assessments of motor ability and recommend exercise adaptations necessary for individual case scenarios. The unit also aims to further students' ability to engage in reflective practice by considering the relevance of unit content to their future careers.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Articulate the structure and function of the neuromuscular and sensory systems as they relate to the control of voluntary and involuntary movement;
  2. Investigate how motor function changes across various life stages, with skill development, and as a result of injury and determine the how the neuromuscular and sensory systems influence these changes;
  3. Design evidence-based assessments for the evaluation of motor abilities and performance, informed by motor control theories and principles.
  4. Evaluate and contrast motor control research and data to inform exercise program adaptations according to different life stages, skill levels and types of injury; and
  5. Reflect on how an understanding of the neuromuscular and sensory systems will inform practice of an exercise and sport scientist.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Test
Grade: 20%
2 x in class quizzes (60 mins each; MC and short answer)
Assessment type: Report
Grade: 40%
Team-based report
Assessment type: Exercise
Grade: 30%
Case-based activity
Assessment type: Essay
Grade: 10%
Reflective written piece in class requiring understanding of the relevance of unit content to future careers.

Required reading

Selected readings will be made available via VU Collaborate site.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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