Countering Violent Extremism Case Management

Unit code: LCR6012 | Study level: Postgraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Online Real Time
LCR6009 - Introduction to Terrorism and Violent Extremism
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


Case management is an essential part of the work of countering violent extremism. This unit will introduce students to the practice of case management and how it applies to countering violent extremism. Students will be introduced to debates around the tensions between national security and therapeutic interventions and the different tools, frameworks and activities of case management in the context of CVE. The unit will focus on integrating professional judgement within the practice of countering violent extremism with a focus on strengthening defensible decision making.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Assess contemporary case management strategies for countering violent extremism;
  2. Distil information about national security and therapeutic interventions and the different tools, frameworks and activities of case management in the context of CVE;
  3. Contextualise and present effectively about case management orally and in written form;
  4. Rationalise and strengthen professional judgement to exhibit defensible decision making.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 20%
Mapping case management
Assessment type: Review
Grade: 40%
Review of case management procedures
Assessment type: Presentation
Grade: 40%
Group presentation focussed on case management

Required reading

Required readings will be made available via VU Collaborate.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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