Countering Violent Extremism Global and Local Perspectives

Unit code: LCR6010 | Study level: Postgraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Online Real Time
LCR6009 - Introduction to Terrorism and Violent Extremism
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


Australia has a long history of terrorism and violent extremists’ movements. This unit examines the relationship between the global threat environment and its manifestation in the Australian context. Key focus will be on the history of violent extremism in Australia and the impact on the legislative and policy environment since 9/11 and the Bali Bombings. Students will have a critical understanding of the evolution of Australia’s counter terrorism and violent extremism environment, including its relationship to our current CVE practice.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Appraise the relationship between the global threat environment and its manifestation in the Australian context;
  2. Interpret the legislative and policy environment since 9/11 and the Bali Bombings;
  3. Interrogate current countering violent extremism practice;
  4. Critically review on the historical context of Australian terrorist and violent extremist movements.


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Assignment
Grade: 20%
Short Answer questions on historical contexts
Assessment type: Research Paper
Grade: 40%
Research Paper on trends
Assessment type: Case Study
Grade: 40%
Group analysis of historical case study

Required reading

Required readings will be made available via VU Collaborate.

As part of a course

This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):

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