Irish History

Unit code: AAH3002 | Study level: Undergraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
Footscray Park


This unit of study examines the social, cultural and political histories of Ireland, 1798 - 2018. Within this, the complex social, political and economic relationship with Britain will be critically examined, as will the importance of migration from Ireland. A component of the unit will examine the fraught connections between memory, history and culture that collided in the late 1960s and the Troubles in Northern Ireland.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Analyse key events in 19th and 20th century Irish history and in Irish emigrant communities;
  2. Identify and interpret a wide variety of secondary and primary materials;
  3. Understand and employ a variety of conceptual approaches to interpreting Irish history;
  4. Apply research skills in analysing historical evidence, scholarship and changing representations of the past in Ireland;
  5. Collaboratively construct an evidence-based argument in audio, digital, oral, visual and written form; and
  6. Critically review themes in Irish emigrant history.

Study as a single unit

This unit can be studied on its own, without enrolling in a full degree.

Learn more about single units of study at VU


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment type: Report
Grade: 20%
Document Analysis
Assessment type: Report
Grade: 40%
Irish Emigrant History Report
Assessment type: Test
Grade: 30%
In class tests
Assessment type: Test
Grade: 10%
Quizzes based on readings

Required reading

Students will be provided with an up-to-date reading list via the VU Collaborate system.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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