This unit ties together, in both theoretical and practical ways, concepts and practices for maintaining biological diversity, and how these concepts and practices can be integrated with social and economic needs. The unit focuses on the development of conservation theory and practice in Australia; extinction and its significance, including pathways to extinction; the meanings, levels and interpretation of concepts of biodiversity; ecological and adaptive management approaches to conservation and recovery, including design of reserves, setting priorities, off-reserve conservation and ex-situ (captive breeding, reintroduction and translocation). Practical field studies and site visits will investigate the contributions of zoo's, national and state parks, friends groups, local, state and federal government agencies, Landcare and private landholders to the conservation and recovery of plant and animal species, from insects to mammals, and from fungi to trees. The subject will also include practical appraisals of techniques used to determine integrity of ecosystems, landscapes and overall environment, the contributions made by biodiversity to ecosystem services and integrated methods for recovery and sustainable management of species and ecosystems.
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Required readings will be made available on VU Collaborate.
This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):