Thesis (DBA) (Part-Time)

Unit code: BBA8905 | Study level: Postgraduate
(Generally, 1 credit = 10 hours of classes and independent study.)
City Campus
Students must have successfully passed 96 credit points in the DBA coursework to progress to the Research Component of the degree.
(Or equivalent to be determined by unit coordinator)


The unit has been designed with the objective of producing graduates with the capacity to conduct research independently at a high level of originality and quality in the field of business studies. As the research component of the DBA, the unit has been developed for students who have successfully completed a year of research foundation studies in the coursework component of the DBA.

The unit requires the students to demonstrate an ability to identify and apply appropriate modes of analysis, evaluation and comparative critical frameworks to a chosen research plan, and to communicate their research findings in the form of a final thesis.

A satisfactory pass of the thesis by a panel of examiners forms the sole criteria for awarding the DBA.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:

  1. Contextualise and apply relevant theoretical knowledge to undertake rigorous research at the doctoral level into contemporary business problems, and contribute to original knowledge, theory and practice in business;
  2. Critically review a range of quantitative and qualitative business-oriented methods to determine and adapt appropriate methods for data collection and analysis to emerging intercultural and interdisciplinary business problems;
  3. Critique contemporary organisational or professional practice in the light of relevant theory, demonstrating their capacity as a reflective practitioner, scholar, leader and life-long learner;
  4. Critically evaluate business research studies in order to assess their quality and applicability in improving effective handling of business problems;
  5. Demonstrate exemplary oral and written communication skills relevant to translating complex research findings into business practice;
  6. Identify, analyse and evaluate internal and external environmental influences on organisations in order to adapt and develop effective plans for the management of change and development, demonstrating social inclusivity, responsibility and authoritative and ethical judgment; and
  7. Generalise and apply creative and innovative ideas or solutions within contemporary global business environment.


For Melbourne campuses

Throughout, the student will demonstrate substantial progress through formal meetings with their supervisors, who will provide feedback, and through annual progress monitoring, a written formal progress report. On completion, the dissertation will be assessed by a panel of examiners.

The thesis should demonstrate deep engagement with research, the capacity to formulate and investigate complex problems in business, and the ability to clearly communicate research findings within a word length of between 45,000 and 60,000.

Assessment type: Thesis
Grade: Pass/Fail
Research Thesis

Required reading

Materials for use in and out of supervision will be provided using VU Collaborate.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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