The unit provides students with a critical understanding of the theory and practice of entrepreneurship and innovation, including the impact of new artificial intelligence developments. in a range of different educational settings. Through examination of models and processes of entrepreneurship and innovation, students develop their capacity for opportunity exploration and the strategic management of change at the level of the individual, small teams, organisations and in public policy. There is a focus on the use of analytics and the processes of data-informed design and decision making. How can analytics inform the incremental design of innovation? We apply industry-based methodology to manage risk and uncertainty including SCRUM and agile techniques. There is an emphasis on pracitical implementation, students develop a digital educational product, utilising new technology. The unit builds capability in scaling and implementing an initial idea through cross disciplinary collaboration and relationship dynamics.
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
Links to recommended texts for this unit will be provided to students via the Learning Management System (VU Collaborate)
This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):