This unit covers areas of sustainable urban land development and transportation systems including biophysical and socio-economic data collection and inventories, land capability analysis, planning processes and issues including population density, city infill vs peripheral development, infrastructure and servicing requirements, open space/green city/urban forest concepts, residential subdivisions and appropriate street designs. It also focuses on demand for transport and the significance of transport and freight movement to the economy; road safety issues; transport planning techniques including trip generation, trip distribution, mode split and trip assignment models; traffic engineering aspects including flow theory, road capacity, headways, gaps and speed analysis; intersection analysis and use of SIDRA program to aid design and analysis of signalised intersections; traffic survey methods and analysis; local area traffic management studies; travel demand management; and sustainable transport.
On successful completion of this unit, students will be able to:
The Lecturer will provide Teaching and Learning material as required.
This unit is studied as part of the following course(s):