Professional learning

Learn how we support academic and professional staff using the VU Block Model®.
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Find out how VU can build a professional learning program to suit your block teaching needs.

The VU Block Model professional learning program, and associated Graduate Certificate/Graduate Diploma in Block Teaching, offers a dynamic platform for professionals to enhance their expertise, advance their careers, and stay competitive in today's rapidly evolving professional landscape.

The Graduate Certificate in Block Teaching

VU Block Model Professional Learning Programs

As the first university in Australia to fully deliver block mode teaching and to implement it at scale with 20,000+ students, we have created a range of professional learning programs. These programs support the ongoing professional development of academic and professional staff to enhance the quality of learning and teaching at a block teaching institution.

Our programs are:

VU Block Model Academic Induction Program 

  • In-person: academic teaching focused 
  • Online real-time: academic (online teaching) focused

VU Block Model Professional Staff Induction Program

  • Online self-paced: Prepares professional staff in understanding how a block model structure impacts all roles in the tertiary institution.

Ongoing Professional Learning & Teaching Workshops

Providing practical approaches for successful delivery of unit/s to students using the VU Block Model, these professional learning and teaching workshops and induction programs empower educators with the skills and strategies needed to implement the block teaching model effectively. Our programs and workshops are already being delivered across Australia and at multiple international locations. 

Enquire to find out how VU can build bespoke professional learning programs to suit your block teaching needs regardless of your location.


Block model made it easier for me to create an active learning environment in class and ask students to take more ownership of their learning through extensive reflections and discussions. I am more comfortable now with teaching in block mode, and I feel there has been a mental shift in my teaching approach and the VU Block Model.

Participating in the VU Block Model Staff Induction Program was an incredibly enriching experience that exceeded my expectations.” “The workshops were interactive and thought-provoking, offering practical insights and strategies that I could immediately apply in my role in VU.