VU Block Model research

Learn how we're exploring block model teaching through research.

Our VU Block Model® is built upon pedagogical research, focusing on student engagement, retention rates, academic performance and student satisfaction. 

Research also suggests that faculty members view the block teaching model favourably. They especially appreciate the opportunity for more meaningful interactions with students and the chance to innovate in their teaching practices. 

Beyond the ongoing evaluative studies of the VU Block Model previously and currently being undertaken, there are several areas of future research that VU and other academic institutions need to undertake to understand best practices in block teaching. 

We continue to establish a strong collaborative partnership in researching the efficacy of the model as an innovation in a higher education delivery of study.

Introduction to VU Block Model research

VU Block Model research publications

The VU Block Model was built on research that prioritises the use of evidence-based strategies that are student-focused, enhance learning outcomes, and foster critical thinking skills. 

Since the implementation of the block model a number of both review and applied pieces of research have been completed, or are currently underway. The current key areas of research focus are connected to the following research domains: design, implementation, contrast, progression, and institutional.

Below are various publications from VU Block Model practitioners. These peer-reviewed findings include but are not limited to four key impact areas:

Block mode teaching & student experience

Block mode teaching innovations & strategies

Curriculum development & learning approaches

Online learning & COVID-19 impacts