First-time enrolment & orientation at VU Brisbane

Find important dates for new Victoria University (VU) students studying in Brisbane and information about how to enrol at VU Brisbane.


  • Follow the process for accepting your offer, making sure you've supplied all the paperwork.
  • Make the initial fee deposit payment (as indicated on your letter of offer).
  • Organise health insurance, to meet visa requirements.
  • Apply for your student visa.
  • Book your flight, leaving enough time before your start-study date to:
    • recover from jetlag
    • adjust to your new environment
    • find accommodation
    • attend your international orientation session.
  • Request airport pick up 10 days before you arrive in Brisbane.
  • Consider quarantine regulations when packing.

Enrolment & academic advice


After you've successfully met your entry requirements, you will be sent an email containing a starter pack, inviting you to complete your online enrolment. Please refer to the starter pack, for step-by-step instructions on how to enrol in your VU Brisbane course.

Support for enrolments is currently provided by the VU Sydney enrolment team:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 7 3210 7402.

Academic information sessions

If you want to know more about your course and units of study, academic information sessions are held on Orientation day. Course Coordinators will brief you about your course and there is a question and answer (Q&A) session for students to ask any course or unit related questions.

Your Course Coordinator will be available to you throughout your period of enrolment for any course or unit advice.

Orientation & course commencement dates

New student orientations for VU Brisbane in 2024 will be conducted on campus at 269 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley. Prior to orientation, you will receive an orientation letter via email that will contain additional information that you will need to connect with your orientation program.

It is mandatory to attend orientation. This is a valuable opportunity for new students to learn about the university, course of study, compliance requirements and explore support services on offer to help students transition to life on campus.

Students are connected with their peers and introduced to the VU Brisbane staff who are committed to providing a world class student experience.

The Orientation Letter is sent only to the students who have already received their eCoE. If you have received an eCoE without receiving an Orientation Letter yet, please contact  [email protected] .

If you haven’t received an eCoE yet but would like to attend the orientation, you first need to contact to the International Recruitment team to check the status of your application at [email protected] .

Based on their advice, you can attend the orientation. You need to notify the Student Services team during the orientation that you are still awaiting an eCoE and were advised to attend orientation by the International Recruitment team.

If you received your eCoE after the Orientation date and/or have missed the orientation program, an email regarding Late Orientation will be sent to you once you have enrolled. You are advised to attend the Late Orientation session at that given time.

Orientation & commencement dates by study level

Creating your first timetable

Students will receive a confirmed timetable after they complete the online enrolment and class allocation.

We understand that students often want a timetable that will fit around their existing work schedule. While the VU delivery is flexible, it may not be possible to have your exact preferences, especially if there is limited delivery of the unit you require.

You can access the Timetable Planner to check the planned timetables and availability of classes for different units before you enrol.

Making your timetable is a two-step process:

  1. select the unit
  2. select a class.

Please read the VU Brisbane timetable guide for more detailed instructions.

If you need further assistance, contact an Academic Services Officer at  [email protected] .

Late arrival in Brisbane

Visa information

Make sure you arrive in Brisbane in time to:

  • enrol for your course
  • complete your orientation session.

International students arriving on time

You should plan to arrive in Brisbane at least ten days before your course starts so that you can enrol and complete your international orientation.

International students arriving late

If you are an international student and are going to arrive late, you must email [email protected] . Please include the following:

  • given name
  • family name
  • student ID number
  • email address
  • course of study at VU Brisbane
  • expected arrival date
  • reason you will arrive late.

The last day to enrol is the end of the second week of your commencing session of study. If you do not enrol by this date you may need to:

  • defer your studies until the next available course commencement date – deferring will cancel your electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) which may lead to the cancellation of your student visa
  • leave Australia.

If you do not arrive in Australia by the date specified on your CoE – you may be denied entry to Australia by the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).

Impact on your university study

By arriving late and not completing your orientation session you risk missing out on vital information which may impact on your academic progress, such as:

  • course information, unit choices and selection and timetabling (enrolling late may affect your ability to enrol in your preferred units, lectures and tutorial times as these may become limited)
  • support services that are available for international students
  • health, safety, housing information
  • accessing VU's IT system and other VU Brisbane services and facilities
  • meeting academic and administrative staff and other students.