VU Open Day 2023 a resounding success

Victoria University is celebrating one of its most successful Open Day campaigns, with more than 3200 people checking in – a VU Open Day record.
Open Day 2023 recorded a series of ‘firsts’ for VU as it:
- hosted Open Day on two consecutive weeks at two different campuses (Footscray Park on 20 August and City Tower on 27 August);
- engaged the highest number of staff and student volunteers ever
- registered more than 7000 prospective students.
VU Vice-Chancellor Professor Adam Shoemaker said the VU community should be proud of its achievements in rolling out such large and impressive events:
You helped us get there with such a strong, colourful sense of commitment and positivity. Our prospective students saw this too – and I think it will make a big difference to their preferences and subsequent enrolment at VU.
Future students had opportunities to:
- learn about the early entry VU Guaranteed program
- delve into study areas and course options
- find out about its campuses, facilities and services
- hear about the award-winning VU Block Model and its supportive First Year College
- plan a pathway to their dream course
- chat with VU teachers, students and alumni.
Applications are now open to apply for a VU course or a VU Polytechnic free TAFE course for 2024.
Click here to book a 1:1 consultation with a course advisor.