Public speaking & presentation skills
Looking to improve your public speaking skills in preparation for a verbal presentation?
Book an appointment with our expert Learning Advisor Doug, who can help you:
- create an engaging and unforgettable presentation
- learn technique to keep your nerves at bay
- practice clear speaking.

1-1 personalised appointments
To connect with a Learning Advisor for support with public speaking and presentation skills, please book a 1-1 appointment.
Appointments last 45 minutes and can be booked between 8am–6pm, Monday-Friday during teaching periods. You can book up to one appointment per week. Both online and on-campus appointments are available.
To book an appointment, please login to the Student Hub using your VU student account login details.
Online workshops
To fast track your public-speaking and presentation skills you’re are welcome to explore our range of interactive online workshops. Visit the Student Hub to check the schedule and book an online workshop.