Complaint resolution
Victoria University's Student Complaints Policy provides for the fair and prompt handling of student complaints in a manner that's consistent with the University's values.
Our process encourages students to be independent and effective problem solvers. We encourage you to try to resolve your concern informally before lodging a complaint.
Student formal complaints procedure
Formal complaint
- Submit a complaint to the Integrity Office along with relevant supporting information.
- The Integrity Office will triage the complaint and liaise with the relevant College/Business Area. The Integrity Office may contact you to seek more information to clarify/support your complaint.
- The College/Business area investigates with assistance from the Integrity Office. The investigation will usually occur within a reasonable timeframe – usually 20 university business days.
- You will be notified if there is a good reason for any delay – usually because the issue is complex or requires detailed investigation.
- The College/Business area provides a written decision with reasons whether your complaint is justified (partially/fully) or rejected.
- If your complaint is justified, a remedy will be offered.
- If you are satisfied, the formal complaint process will finish here.
Internal review of a formal complaint decision
If you are not satisfied with the decision, you can request an internal review:
- Request an internal review of the formal complaint decision by contacting the Integrity Office within 10 days of receiving your formal complaint decision. Internal review can only be accepted if you satisfy one or more of the following grounds:
- new evidence is available that potentially changes the outcome
- the complaint decision is manifestly unreasonable
- procedural irregularities occurred during Formal Resolution which were material or potentially material to the decision reached.
- Where possible and appropriate the internal review will be carried out by an independent decision maker, with assistance from the Integrity Office.
- The decision maker will provide a written decision with reasons which may:
- uphold the original formal complaint decision without amendment
- uphold the original formal complaint decision but amend one or more of the outcomes
- set aside the original formal complaint decision and refer it back for new investigation
- set aside the original decision and substitute a different decision.
- If you are satisfied, the internal review process will finish here.
If you're unsatisfied with the internal review
You can either:
- lodge an appeal if you satisfy certain criteria under Student Appeals Regulations 2019
- seek an external review, such as with the Victorian Ombudsman, the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission, and the Australian Human Rights Commission – whichever is appropriate to your complaint circumstances.
External options
Victorian Ombudsman
The Victorian Ombudsman independently investigates complaints about universities. The Ombudsman will encourage you to use the Victoria University’s complaint resolution procedures first before lodging a complaint with them.
Website: Victorian Ombudsman
Phone: +61 3 9613 6222 or 1800 806 314
Fax: +61 3 9614 0246
Address: Level 9, 459 Collins Street, Melbourne 3000
Victorian Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission
Victorian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission works to resolve complaints about discrimination, sexual harassment and racial and religious vilification.
Lines are open 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday, or submit your complaint online.
Phone: 1300 891 848
TTY: 1300 289 621
National Relay Service
Phone: 1300 555 727 (Speak and Listen)
Website: National Relay Service
Translating & Interpreting Service
Phone: 131 450
Website: Translating and Interpreting Service
Privacy & records
The privacy statement for the collection of student information provides details about the types of student information we collect and how it's managed. Students should read the statement before completing any forms.
For information about how the University protects your information, please refer to the Privacy Policy. You can also contact our Privacy Officer at for any privacy-related query or concern.
Public complaint resolution
Victoria University’s Public Complaint Policy identifies the scope and process for complaints about the University, its staff, its students, or third parties providing services on behalf of the University.
Lodging a public complaint
You can lodge a complaint by completing the online complaint form.