Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

As a current or future TAFE student at Victoria University, you may be eligible for credit towards your course through credit transfer, recognition of prior learning (RPL) or recognition of current competence (RCC).

  • If you've previously successfully completed any of the units in the course you have enrolled in, or their equivalent, you may be eligible for credit transfer.

  • If you've otherwise gained skills and knowledge that are relevant to your course, you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning.

Credit transfer

Credit Transfer recognises study that you have previously undertaken and enables you to gain credit in another course.

If eligible, you may receive exemptions from part of the new course for units you have already studied. The units must be identical or equivalent to those in the course you enrol in.

To apply, you will need to complete the following:

There is no fee for processing credit transfer.

Credit transfer is only available if you are enrolling in at least one other unit in addition to the one for which you are applying for credit.

Recognition of Prior Learning & Recognition of Current Competency

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL acknowledges that people learn in many different ways and that learning may have been obtained through:

  • formal learning: which takes place within a teacher-student relationship, such as in a school system, at university or TAFE, and is formally recognised with grades, diplomas or certificates
  • non-formal learning: which occurs in a formal learning environment, but is not recognised within a curriculum or syllabus framework (workshops, community courses, interest based courses, short courses, or conference style seminars)
  • informal learning: which occurs in a variety of places, such as at home, at work, and through daily interactions and relationships with members of society
  • a combination of all of the above.

If you don’t enrol at VU within 12 months of your RPL approval, you will need to resubmit your application.

There are fees associated with applying for RPL.

If you are receiving Centrelink payments, you must notify Centrelink of any changes to your study load as a result of a successful application.

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

RCC involves being re-assessed for the qualification you already have, to make sure that your competence meets current industry standards as practice may have changed (for example new technology may have been introduced).

Apply for RPL or RCC prior to enrolling using thePDF icon P005-F02 Application for Recognition of prior Learning and Recognition of Current Competency.

For more information please call +61 3 9919 6100 and ask for the relevant course manager.

Recognition of Prior Learning & Recognition of Current Competency

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL acknowledges that people learn in many different ways and that learning may have been obtained through:

  • formal learning: which takes place within a teacher-student relationship, such as in a school system, at university or TAFE, and is formally recognised with grades, diplomas or certificates
  • non-formal learning: which occurs in a formal learning environment, but is not recognised within a curriculum or syllabus framework (workshops, community courses, interest based courses, short courses, or conference style seminars)
  • informal learning: which occurs in a variety of places, such as at home, at work, and through daily interactions and relationships with members of society
  • a combination of all of the above.

If you don’t enrol at VU within 12 months of your RPL approval, you will need to resubmit your application.

There are fees associated with applying for RPL.

If you are receiving Centrelink payments, you must notify Centrelink of any changes to your study load as a result of a successful application.

Recognition of Current Competency (RCC)

RCC involves being re-assessed for the qualification you already have, to make sure that your competence meets current industry standards as practice may have changed (for example new technology may have been introduced).

Apply for RPL or RCC prior to enrolling using the form below.

For more information please call +61 3 9919 6100 and ask for the relevant course manager.

How to apply

RPL and RCC applications may take up to four weeks to process. Ask your teacher or program manager whether you should attend classes while you wait for the result.

Applying online

If you’re applying as part of your online course application, you will be prompted to upload the application form along with any supporting documentation during your course application.

Applying by paper

If you are not applying as part of a course application, you can either:

  • deliver your application in person to VUHQ
  • post it to the appropriate mailing address below along with supporting documentation.

Domestic students

Admissions and Pathways Office

St Albans Campus, Victoria University

PO Box 14428

Melbourne VIC 8001

International students (onshore & offshore)

Victoria University International

PO Box 14428

Melbourne VIC 8001


Supporting evidence & documentation

Your application will be assessed based on the evidence you provide. Each piece of evidence should be clearly identified and numbered as an attachment, and listed on the first page of your application form.

You will need to provide:

  • certified copies of qualifications (what is a certified copy?)
  • unit(s) of competency/study/syllabus information from the relevant course guide.

Do not send original documents, however you may be asked to show the original documents to us at a later stage.

If your academic records are from overseas or a private university, certified copies must be provided from the appropriate government body/professional association recognised in Australia (or an equivalent authority for students studying at an offshore site).

Documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by an English translation. The translator must be accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) or an equivalent body for offshore students.

Please note: we may contact your former institution(s) and/or current/former employer(s) for further information and/or clarification of your claim for RPL.


You’ll be notified of the outcome of your application via email. Current students must check their VU student email.

If you are concerned about the outcome of your application, contact your course manager – they will try to resolve any issues you may have. If a suitable resolution cannot be reached, you can submit a written appeal which will be reviewed by an independent person.

Study costs

Government funding is available to eligible applicants to assist with course costs. You may apply for a single unit of competency or a whole qualification.