
We offer a broad range of scholarships for students across all levels of study.
Scholarships for students from all backgrounds
600+ students helped in last 2 years
$500,000+ in scholarship money paid per semester
Thrive Grant has helped nearly 200 students to date
At Victoria University, we understand how important education is to achieving your potential, and that access to a scholarship can help make that happen.
Each year, we support hundreds of students across all study levels with access to scholarships and grants. VU scholarships provide financial and practical assistance for students to get a head start.
Featured scholarships

VU Early Entry scholarships
Open to current VCE students. We're offering scholarships up to the value of $5,000 for VU Early Entry members, paid incrementally throughout your studies.
Other scholarship opportunities

Externally-funded scholarships
External organisations offer scholarships for tertiary students throughout the year. Scholarships are either offered to specific study levels or are open to all students.
Scholarship applications, assessment & payment
To increase your chances of getting a scholarship, make sure you follow the application instructions and provide the required supporting documents.
Find out more about scholarship eligibility & applications, including how applications are assessed, as well as payments & maintaining ongoing eligibility.
Enquire about scholarships
Contact us with any questions about available scholarship opportunities and how to apply.