Research stipend scholarship (enrolled students)

If you're a high-achieving student enrolled in a doctoral degree at VU, you may be eligible for a research stipend scholarship. A scholarship provides financial assistance during your study.

Applications for Research Period 1 2026 will open in August 2025. The 2025 stipend scholarship value is $35,006 per annum.

The duration of enrolment already consumed will be deducted from the stipend duration. Stipends are paid only up to 3.5 years consumed load.


To be eligible to apply for the scholarships, you must:

  • be enrolled as a Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated) candidate
  • at the time of application, have had Confirmation of Candidature:
    • approved by their Institute – Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated), or
    • planned and scheduled – Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated)
  • have achieved an average score of 75% in the:
    • Year 1 coursework – Doctor of Philosophy
    • Year 1 coursework and Year 1 Thesis – Doctor of Philosophy (Integrated)
  • as of 1 January 2026, consumed load must be less than or equal to 2.0
  • enrol as a full-time candidate (on acceptance of offer).


  • PhD (Integrated) in coursework phase
  • currently a sponsored candidate or have a degree at the same level of applied degree.

How to apply

We are not currently accepting applications.

Eligible applicants will be notified of the application process when applications open in July 2025.