A bright future – guaranteed

Elise Mercieca sitting smiling on top of a brick fence in front of a large tree
In Year 12, VU Guaranteed gave me the security of a place at VU or VU Polytechnic, so I could focus on my studies without stressing about getting in. It was like a set and forget.

Elise Mercieca
Bachelor of Laws

First-year law student Elise Mercieca always dreamed of a career that celebrated her strong sense of justice. The VU Guaranteed program gave her ATAR the boost to get in, and now she’s excelling at uni with the benefits of the VU Block Model.

Disclaimer: In this article, Elise talks about the benefits of our VU Guaranteed program, which has been replaced by VU Early Entry.

“Legal studies was my favourite subject at school and I've always been passionate about justice and ethics.

As a student at one of VU’s partner schools, I was eligible to apply for the VU Guaranteed program. The whole process was really easy. With all the uncertainty of 2020, it gave me the security of a guaranteed place at VU or VU Polytechnic, so I could focus on my studies without stressing about getting in. It was like a set and forget.

I was so grateful for the five bonus ATAR points VU Guaranteed provided – it made the difference between getting into law and not.

I liked the sound of the VU Block Model before I started. Doing one subject at a time rather than juggling multiple subjects and assessments really appealed to me.

Uni is even better than I could have hoped! I’m getting to know my classmates, we’ve got some group chats and it’s been easy to make friends in smaller classes.

I’ve enjoyed remote learning – it’s convenient not having to travel. But after studying remotely for most of Year 12 and the start of uni, I’m so excited to get back on campus and start my real uni journey! I’m also excited to start mooting (mock court), and get experience with placements through VU’s legal industry partners. Eventually I’d like to specialise in family law.

With the Block Model's timetable and focused workload I’m able to manage my part-time café job and keep an active social life.

My friends at other unis have been stressed out already – juggling four subjects and all those assessments at once, but I’m just keeping my eye on the prize!”

Elise is studying

Bachelor of Laws