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Benefits of studying at VU
Top 2% of universities worldwide
We’re ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide (Times Higher Ed).
We’re ranked in the top 2% of universities worldwide (Times Higher Ed).
Award-winning VU Block Model®
Study one subject at a time in smaller classes with our VU Block Model®.
Study one subject at a time in smaller classes with our VU Block Model®.
#1 for educational experience^
We’re ranked the #1 uni in Victoria in four areas (QILT Survey, 2023)
We’re ranked the #1 uni in Victoria in four areas (QILT Survey, 2023)
4000+ industry connections
Gain real-world experience with industry placements and networking.
Gain real-world experience with industry placements and networking.
Innovation in research
A sharp focus on generating positive change through research with impact.
A sharp focus on generating positive change through research with impact.
Interactive workshop-style classes instead of lectures
Discover a more engaging way to learn with our award-winning VU Block Model® – where you study one subject at a time in smaller, collaborative classes.
Where VU can take you
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