How a study buddy can help you succeed
Wondering what the benefits to having a study buddy are? Having a buddy will certainly motivate you and keep everyone accountable.
You’re both more likely to achieve success in your studies – two heads are better than one, after all.
There are plenty of benefits to pairing up with a study buddy while you’re doing a course.
Study buddies aren’t just helpful for university students. You’ll find advantages to pairing up with someone at TAFE, while doing an online course, or in any other educational situation.
Find out more about how having a buddy can help you with your studies.
How can a study buddy help me?
Keep each other motivated
Staying motivated while doing a course can be challenging, especially if you are studying online.
A study buddy can make learning both easier and exciting. There will be one to rally the other, if one of you is feeling demotivated.
Having a study partner might even trigger your competitive side, as you share assessment and any test marks. This could lead you to strive harder for better results.
Share goals & knowledge
Your buddy may have different ways of learning to your own, which you can adopt to suit you. This will prove valuable in your current courses and during your future studies.
Learn more about how group study can improve your results.
Can I complete assignments together with my study buddy?
It is definitely possible and even beneficial to work on assessments with your study buddy.
You and your buddy will probably share similar goals and prior course knowledge, which will give you both an advantage while learning.
You can deconstruct challenging concepts with them. It can also be beneficial to discuss contrasting viewpoints of different topics. This will help you approach your course material from a new angle.
Remain accountable
It’s much easier to stick to a study schedule if it involves two people, as you can keep each other on track.
Committing to share goals will help you avoid procrastination and motivate you to meet deadlines. You’re more likely to push yourself to achieve because you won’t want to let your buddy down.
How should I deal with conflicts with my study buddy?
If you find your study buddy is not pulling their weight, have a gentle chat with them. If you’ve chosen the right partner, you should be able to communicate well and navigate any problems together.
If you find that there’s still conflict between you both, it might be better to cut ties and move on. You'll do better to find another buddy with a similar work ethic.
Share resources
There’s a heap of resources you can share with your buddy:
- textbooks, which can lower expenses for you both
- website links
- lecture notes – particularly handy if one of you misses a class due to illness or a conflicting commitment, as you’ll have someone there to take notes for you.
Test each other
A study buddy is invaluable around exam time, but there are other ways you can help each other over the course of a semester.
You can:
- read over each other’s written work and provide valuable feedback and insight
- devise mini-tests to consolidate course material
- revise together and quiz each other
- debrief after presentations and give each other feedback on your performance.
Finding the right study buddy
When searching for a study buddy, it’s important to find someone who shares the same goals as you.
It is also helpful if their study schedule marries up with your own. You'll then be able to complete assignments together, or quiz each other before exams.
There’s plenty of different ways to find the right study buddy. You can ask around in class and leave your contact details on a noticeboard. Or you can search online for the right partner in Facebook groups or on virtual notice boards.
Does my study buddy have to study the same course?
You study buddy doesn't have to be in the same class or course as you. While there are benefits to sharing course material, sometimes it's helpful to pair up with a student who has a similar work ethic to you and who you gel well with.
While studying at VU, meet like-minded students at a club, or attend a drop-in session at a Learning Hub space, to connect with other students in your discipline.
Under the VU Block Model®, students learn together in interactive, workshop-style classes, three days a week. This learning environment allows you to get to know not only your teachers, but your classmates too.
Your buddy doesn't need to already be a friend – in fact, it may be better for you both if they aren’t. Friends can distract rather than help you meet your study goals.
Can I only have a study buddy when I am studying at a university?
Study buddies are helpful, no matter where you're studying – whether it be at TAFE or elsewhere.
If you're undergoing vocational training at VU, you may find it helpful to find a buddy to work through course content with.
This can be particularly beneficial for practical applications, where you can share knowledge of certain skills and techniques required for your future career.
Get ready to study with a buddy
There are many benefits to finding the perfect buddy for study.
You can share resources, keep each other motivated and stay in friendly competition, pushing each other on to achieve your end goals.
Can I be a successful student without a study buddy?
Yes, you can certainly still smash your goals without a study buddy, but it does make learning easier and a lot more fun.
Not one of Victoria University’s students yet? Now you know about the support we can provide, and ways we’ll help you find the ultimate study buddy, find out more about studying with us.