Workshops & discipline contacts
The Library offers a number of programs throughout the year to help students develop research skills and to use the full range of available information resources.
The programs include 30-minute sessions or one-hour information sessions.
Academic Integrity, Finding Resources and Digital Capabilities workshops are available for booking through Library Hub.
Log in to Library Hub and select the tab 'Workshops' for details and bookings.
Discipline contacts
Talk with librarians online about the range of resources available in your field of study from First Year to PhD.
Email the librarian to arrange a time, and please state your preferred time and day.
Researcher development & Research Ambassador workshops
Library staff contribute to the Researcher Development Program by delivering sessions on topics such as using Endnote, using research database and research tools, getting your research published and measuring research impact.
Research Ambassadors’ mini-workshops
Research Ambassadors run mini-workshops throughout the year on a range of different research topics.
In the mini-workshops, the Research Ambassadors provide peer-to-peer research support to both research students and staff in a range of skill areas including:
- research design
- data analysis
- data management
- statistical software
- Qualtrics
- writing
- ethics applications
- general transition support.
These workshops provide a relaxed and informal learning setting. For more information about these sessions (run by the Library or Research Ambassadors) see the Researcher Development Program calendar.
If you would like a session that is not listed, or for the Library to run additional sessions for a specific audience, contact Cameron Barrie (Research Librarian) by emailing .