Support for VU Sydney students
Our students are supported every step of the way - from enrolment right through to graduation. With an award-winning teaching method, excellent services and individual support, our students become confident, career-ready graduates.
Victoria University's standards of practice and obligations to international students refer to the ESOS framework, implemented by the Australian government to ensure that overseas students have a safe, enjoyable and rewarding place to study.
Find out more about the ESOS framework and information for international students.
International Student Support
As a VU Sydney student, you have access to student support offered by the University as well as services offered by ECA.
Services and support include:
- orientation
- academic support and study skills
- academic administration services
- counselling
- social events and activities.
For more information contact .
Academic support
VU Sydney provides academic support throughout your studies to equip you with the skills, knowledge and confidence to succeed at university. From group workshops to individual support, we are with you every step of the way.
For more information about any of our services, visit our learning support team on level 1 or email .
Our academic workshops are designed to help you transition to a new learning environment, equipping you with knowledge and skills to thrive in your studies, including:
- Referencing
- Academic writing
- Presentation skills
- Group work skills
- Academic integrity
- Library resources
- Career ready resources
Workshops are advertised around campus and on social media.
Peer tutoring
Student tutors are available to help you with your studies if you need additional support. This service is free for all students.
To request a tutor, please visit our learning support team on level 1 or email .
Tutors conduct sessions for individuals and groups.
Career-ready resources
Learning support can help you prepare for life after studying by getting you career ready.
We can suggest ways to build the skills you might need in your future jobs, help you make your resume look professional and share our employment resources.
Library skills & resources
Learn about research skills and how to find credible sources for your assessments and assignments.
We run workshops on how to access the huge range of digital resources available to all VU Sydney students.
Study plans & success mapping
Our learning support team can help you map out an effective study plan for each block and offer tips on how to successfully complete your assignments.

Libraries & learning hubs
VU library (located at VU's Melbourne campuses) provides access to ebooks, ejournals, databases, referencing and plagiarism guides and more.
The VU Sydney Learning Hub is a welcoming study space that provides library services and has a selection of text books available to students, which can be borrowed from Monday to Friday. The Learning Hub is located on Level 1 and can be accessed at any time during campus opening hours.
VU library (located at VU's Melbourne campuses) provides access to ebooks, ejournals, referencing and plagiarism guides and more.
Access other non-VU libraries
Victoria University staff and students are also eligible to become reciprocal members of other Australian university libraries under the national borrowing scheme called University Libraries of Australia and New Zealand (ULANZ). By joining the National Borrowing Program, you can use other local academic libraries for study and borrowing. Membership does not usually include access to internet and online resources. Membership fees may apply.
Under the National Borrowing Scheme you also have the opportunity to join the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), the University of Sydney and other University libraries for a cost of A$50.
View options for joining the scheme and becoming a member at another library.
You may also like to join the State Library of New South Wales as it is within walking distance of campus. It offers a great study environment as well as regular exhibitions and events.
VU Sydney Student Mentor Group
The VU Sydney Student Mentor Group are a dedicated group of students who provide assistance on campus to fellow students.
Student mentors:
- are primarily involved at orientation days and enrolment sessions
- participate in the important work of welcoming new students on campus.
- provide advice in relation to enrolment to both commencing and continuing students.
These are casual positions and recruitment for the mentor group occurs periodically throughout the academic year.

Welfare services
Our Manager Student Services can assist you as an advocate, mediator or support person with any issues you may encounter during your studies. There is also a counselling service available on campus for assistance with any personal issues you may experience while in Australia.
Contact us () to find out more about our range of welfare services:
- international student orientation
- student activities and trips
- housing services
- financial advice
- welfare and counselling
- student equity
- accessibility & disability support
- employment services
- complaints resolution.
Our Manager Student Services can assist you as an advocate, mediator or support person with any issues you may encounter during your studies. There is also a counselling service available on campus for assistance with any personal issues you may experience while in Australia.
Graduate support
As a VU Sydney student, you will be provided with a diverse range of opportunities offered by ECA to prepare you for life after graduation.
Career workshops
ECA offers career-related workshops to help graduating students enter the Australian workforce. Workshops include:
- job search techniques
- résumé and cover letter writing
- interview preparation and training, including mock interviews.
Work experience
VU Sydney graduates can participate in work experience placements offered by ECA. Work experience can be a great way to enter your chosen industry, with host companies often looking to train candidates for future employment if they demonstrate employable qualities during their placement.
The advantages of work experience include:
- observation, learning and training opportunities
- exposure to Australia’s professional culture
- access to mentoring opportunities
- a competitive edge in job applications (for example, employers are interested in experience as well as qualifications).
Find out more about ECA internships.