Submit this form to apply for a unique code that will allow you to purchase a 365-day International Student Travel Pass from Public Transport Victoria (PTV) at a discounted rate. No equivalent discount is available to international students for tickets other than the 365-day pass.

You will be eligible for this pass, you must:

  • be an international student (or a New Zealand citizen) enrolled in a full-time load (48 credit points per semester)
  • be enrolled  at VU and studying a bachelor (including honours), diploma, advanced diploma or associate degree
  • have over 6 months (more than one semester) of full-time study left to complete your course
  • have a valid VU student card
  • have an active VU student email account.

If you are studying in Australia on a student exchange or study abroad program, you will not be eligible for this travel discount.

To apply for your International Student Travel Pass registration code, complete and submit the form below. If your application is approved, your code will be sent to your VU student email address.

Information marked with an asterisk "*" is required.

Terms & conditions

I have read and agree to the following conditions:

  • I understand the conditions of eligibility for the International Student Travel Pass and acknowledge that Victoria University may request PTV to cancel my pass should I be no longer eligible for reasons other than completion of my eligible course. 
  • I understand that it is my responsibility to determine if the 365-day International Student Travel Pass product is right for my needs, and that I cannot apply for a refund on the grounds that I no longer need or use the pass.
  • I agree that if I am issued a unique code to purchase a 365-day International Student Travel Pass, that this code and the International Student Travel Pass are for use only by me as an enrolled student at Victoria University and is not transferable.
  • I agree that that if I do not use this code within 30 days from the date of issue, that Victoria University may void this code.

Refer to our privacy policy and data collection notification statement for more information on how your data is used.