Make a difference in the lives of young people by launching your career in education.

Whatever your career aims, from early childhood education to secondary teaching, Victoria University has the right course for you.

International students can choose from a range of learning opportunities in education, from short courses through to postgraduate degrees.

Bachelor of Education (P-12)

Get qualified as both a primary and secondary school teacher with a Bachelor of Education (P-12) from Victoria University (VU).

Duration 4 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode Hybrid, In person
Bachelor of Education Studies

Gain the skills to lead learning programs outside the traditional classroom with the Bachelor of Education Studies (EBST) from Victoria University. EBST is also an alternative path into teaching; enquire now.

Duration 3 years Campus Footscray Park, Werribee, Other Delivery mode Hybrid, In person
Bachelor of Physical Education and Sport Science
Enjoy a lifelong career inspiring others with your passion for physical activity and sport with a Bachelor of Physical Education & Sport Science at Victoria University (VU).
Duration 3 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode Hybrid

Undergraduate Certificate in Education (P12) STEM
Make an informed assessment about education as a career, focusing on science, technology, engineering and mathematics teaching, with the Undergraduate Certificate in Education (P12) from Victoria University. Enquire now.
Duration 0.5 years Campus Footscray Park, Online Self-Paced Delivery mode In person
Undergraduate Certificate in Education Studies
Start a rewarding career with the Undergraduate Certificate in Education Studies from Victoria University.
Duration 0.5 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode In person
Undergraduate Certificate in Primary Physical Education
Specialise in physical education for children to upskill or launch your dream career, with an Undergraduate Certificate in Primary Physical Education from Victoria University – enquire now.
Duration 0.5 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode In person
Undergraduate Certificate in Secondary Physical Education
Learn skills that complement your passions for sport and coaching, with the Undergraduate Certificate in Secondary Physical Education from Victoria University – enquire now.
Duration 0.5 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode In person

Master of Applied Teaching (Secondary Education)

Prepare for a career as a secondary school teacher through intensive study and real work experience, with the Master of Applied Teaching (Secondary Education) at Victoria University.

Duration 1.5 years Campus Online Real Time Delivery mode Online Real Time
Graduate Diploma in Block Teaching
Learn to deliver tertiary courses through an effective modern method with the Graduate Diploma in Block Teaching at Victoria University.
Duration 1 year Campus Footscray Park, Online Self-Paced Delivery mode Hybrid, Online Self-Paced
Graduate Certificate in Block Teaching

Discover a successful and impactful tertiary teaching method by studying the Graduate Certificate in Block Teaching at Victoria University.

Duration 0.5 years Campus Footscray Park, Online Self-Paced Delivery mode Hybrid, Online Self-Paced
Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education
Gain skills and learn about the practice of teaching young children from birth to 5 years, with a Graduate Certificate in Early Childhood Education. Enquire now.
Duration 0.5 years Campus City Campus, Online Self-Paced, VU Brisbane, VU Sydney Delivery mode In person, Online Self-Paced
Master of Teaching (Primary Education)
Gain practical experience and prepare for a rewarding career as a primary school teacher.
Duration 2 years Campus Footscray Nicholson, VU Online Delivery mode Hybrid, VU Online
Master of Teaching (Secondary Education)
Prepare for registration as a secondary teacher in a wide range of discipline areas through the Master of Teaching (Secondary Education).
Duration 2 years Campus City Campus, VU Online Delivery mode Hybrid, VU Online

Bachelor of Science/Master of Teaching (Secondary Education)
A new and innovative double qualification. It allows you to undertake an initial bachelor program in science and then complete an accredited masters program in secondary teaching.
Duration 5 years Campus Footscray Park Delivery mode Blended, On campus

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care CHC30121
Turn your passion for working with children into a rewarding career with a Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care CHC30121 at Victoria University (VU).
Campus Footscray Nicholson, Industry, St Albans, Werribee, Other
Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care CHC50121
Gain the skills and qualifications to work confidently and effectively in early childhood with a Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care CHC50121 at Victoria University (VU).
Campus Footscray Nicholson, Industry, Werribee, Other
Certificate IV in School Based Education Support CHC40221

Gain the skills and confidence to provide school-based support to students with diverse needs with a Certificate IV in School Based Education Support CHC40221 at Victoria University (VU).

Campus Footscray Nicholson, Industry, Werribee
Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation 22602VIC

Start your journey towards a rewarding career in education with the Diploma of Teacher Education Preparation 22602VIC at Victoria University Polytechnic.

Campus Footscray Park

Diploma of Education Studies
Build essential literacy and numeracy skills for a career in education, and prepare to enter the second year of a teaching degree.
Duration 1 year Campus Footscray Nicholson, Online Real Time Delivery mode In person, Online Real Time

Course in Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching 22623VIC
Learn how to safely operate a range of woodwork and metalwork machinery and equipment in a secondary classroom setting, with Victoria University's specialised Course in Safe Use of Machinery for Technology Teaching 22623VIC.
Duration 4 day Campus Industry, Sunshine Delivery mode Face to Face

Studying teaching at VU

At Victoria University (VU), we want you to follow your passion and excel in the industry you've always dreamed of.

We're one of Australia's most industry-connected institutions, and are one of the top 2% of universities in the world.

You'll learn from leading industry professionals who combine theory with practice to prepare you for your career from day one.